Interview with Mary of Simply Mary and her debut album Freedom Bound!
I would like to introduce you to Mary of the band, Simply Mary. Her survival story is amazing, which you can tell when you listen to her...

The confessions of… me
When I started to write this blog, it was on Wordpress, I have to say I was a little nervous. The experience though has changed me, I...

Do you have an abusive Narcissistic or Borderline parent?
I wrote a post called “The Confessions of… me” a while ago. It was a difficult post to write because when I started the original...

Rape Trauma Syndrome; There is light at the end of the tunnel
I have thought about writing this post for a little while, I have learned about Rape Trauma Syndrome and could have approached in a way...

Warning signs to look for after you have ended the relationship.
Today I am writing about relationships. We have all had good and bad relationships. The good ones will hopefully result in a happy,...

Abused Men: When relationships turn bad
When the words “Domestic violence” orDomestic abuse” are raised in a conversation, what do you think? Oh poor woman, right? Not always...

Sexual assault in relationships
Do you know what sexual assault really is? Do you know how to define it? For a long while I didn’t. Did it mean someone gave me a quick...

Interview with Ann Moulds for Action Scotland Against Stalking
Today, I feel very humbled and honored to interview Ann Moulds about her charity in which she set up in Scotland to help survivors of...

6 Tips on Spending the Best Christmas Day on Your Own
Christmas is fast coming upon us. One minute we are basking in summer sunshine, the next the temperature drops, sweaters are pulled out...