1212 Portal, What it Means For You!

We are entering the 1212 Portal! This is powerful and like the Lionsgate Portal brings expansion for us, even as the daylight is contracting and the nights are getting longer and colder, but take heart, beautiful soul, if you love the warmth and sunshine, just remember the Winter Solstice is almost here and slowly the nights will shorten again and warmth will return! Haha. So what's with the 1212 Portal?
It's a time to start clearing out all the energetic patterns that no longer serve you, and not let the past weigh you down, as energetic beings in a physical form, we are vibrating at a certain range of frequencies that fluctuate depending on the emotional state of that energy.
We are in Mars energy right now until mid-January, so take advantage of this energy, but when you want to explode with rage take a deep breath and examine why, look at the programs that are running you. When your circumstances appear overwhelming take a deep breath and examine the programs that are ruining you. When you want to run in fear, or lash out in anger or blame something or someone outside yourself take a deep breath and look at the programs that you’ve chosen as this contract for your life. Then take a deep breath and begin applying a healthy dose of gratitude to this 12/12 portal that has ushered in this cleansing energy.
Start clearing out old behavior patterns and old attitudes that no longer serve you. The energy of the 12/12 portal will make this process easier and more effective than at any time in the past so get busy cleaning out all the negative patterns that no longer serve you.
If you are seeing 1212 everywhere, it could very well be a sign that your light body is developing and you are raising your level of consciousness to a point where you can perceive outside of the physical reality, you are in alignment with the human heart connecting to the Unity Consciousness, a Merkaba within sacred geometry.
This is why the Merkaba (also spelled Merkabah) is our “light spirit body” and is an energetic field that surrounds us when we are in a higher state of consciousness. This energetic field forms the shape of a star tetrahedron and it is believed that this formation of energy allows our light body to travel to higher dimensions. The star tetrahedron is made from two pyramids, one pointing up and one pointing down. The pyramid pointing up helps to connect you to the heavens, whereas the pyramid pointing down helps you to stay grounded in the physical. These pyramid shapes also vibrate and move in opposite directions.
When this spinning Merkaba force field is observed around a person, it is believed that they have activated the ability to travel across different dimensions. This is why the shape of the Merkaba has been referred to as a chariot or mode of transport for our light body.
Take time out in the 1212 Portal and connect deeply within, breathe and allow yourself to accept the downloads and transmissions, beautiful soul!
Thank you for explaining Merkaba Will try to imagine this energy around me more often! 💜✨💜