5 Ways to Start Healing Your Multi-Dimensional Self
Healing your multi-dimensional self requires a holistic approach that considers all aspects of your being. This includes your physical,...

How to Celebrate Mothers Day When You Don't Have a Mother
Celebrating Mother's Day can be challenging when you don't have a mother. It can be a reminder of your loss or a difficult relationship....

How to Be Mindful During the Holidays
The holidays can be a stressful time for anyone, and even more so when you are in charge of hosting a holiday party, having family stay...

Understanding The Lion's Gate, Transforming Into Positivity.
Today is marked as the Lion's Gate. It is an incredible day of an influx of energy, today is the 8th of August 2018.... So what is so...

Do you believe in angels?
It is nearly a year now since I moved from New York back to Devon in England. It has been a strange year of discovery. If you followed me...

9 Traits of the Narcissist Personality Disorder You Might Recognize in Your Partner.
People are throwing around the word “Narcissist” it seems everywhere on social media these days to describe their ex's who are difficult...

Sexual Assault and the Statute of Limitations
It’s that time of year again, October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Each year here in the US many people organise events to help...

Is Being Mindful Hermetically Magic? The Power Within.
When I was growing up I would hear people say “ What was old is new again.” As a child it really didn’t make sense to me, sometimes we...

When You Can't Give a Child a Gift of Safety
I want to share with you about my daughter’s and how they have experienced abuse from her father. I got out and reached higher ground,...

Are you Worthy?
We ask ourselves many questions through the day, am I right or wrong? Do I like…? Am I good? Capable? Strong, the list can be endless but...