How to heal childhood trauma through spirituality.
Childhood trauma can have a profound impact on our lives, influencing our relationships, behaviors, and overall sense of well-being....

How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides
Spirit guides are spiritual entities that help guide you through life. Some guides you are born with and others decide to join your life...

Signs Your Manifestations are Coming True
When you learn that the universe has your back and that nothing you dream of is off limits, suddenly the entire universe opens up to you....

Angel Numbers and Their Significance
Have you ever wondered why you see 11:11 on the clock so often, or why you seem to notice the same number patterns over and over again?...

Archangel Jophiel Meditation to Create Joy and Happiness
Archangel Jophiel helps us recognize the beauty that surrounds us. The beauty that Source has bestowed us with. Her energy comes in the...

Understanding The Lion's Gate, Transforming Into Positivity.
Today is marked as the Lion's Gate. It is an incredible day of an influx of energy, today is the 8th of August 2018.... So what is so...

Signs of the Full Moon Energy Shift
Today is a full moon eclipse, the longest eclipse, taking over an hour and a half from start to finish. It is the second eclipse of three...

Releasing Pain with Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst
This is the perfect time to connect with Archangel Zadkiel, angel of calm, transformation, forgiveness and spirituality and his companion, H

Clear Quartz, The "Master Healer"
I love clear quartz and I'm using it with my angelic healings. It is beautiful and it's almost like you can feel a light radiating from...

Do you believe in angels?
It is nearly a year now since I moved from New York back to Devon in England. It has been a strange year of discovery. If you followed me...