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Interview with Mary of Simply Mary and her debut album Freedom Bound!

I would like to introduce you to Mary of the band, Simply Mary. Her survival story is amazing, which you can tell when you listen to her songs. She wrote the album in dedication to all Domestic Violence survivors.

How would you describe your music and why did you choose that genre?

This has always been the most difficult answer to give anyone who asks me. I really don’t stick to just one specific genre of music. I have pieces of Blues, Rock, Funk, Swing, Rock and Americana all blended together.

What is the ‘back story’ to your album and title?

The Album “Freedom Bound” Dedicated to Survivors of Domestic Violence was sparked due to my own experience with Domestic Violence. I put the album together after being forced to flee the area where my offender was repeatedly breaking the Protection From Abuse Order put in place by the Courts. After the third attempt by my offender, I decided to relocate alone due to his inability to abide by the law for mine and my children’s best interest. We have been separated since Christmas Night of 2013.

What made you want to become a singer?

Music has always been a part of my life ever since I could reach the keys of my mom’s piano. I was always eager to learn new instruments. Once I was allowed to sing for my parochial school choir, being a vocalist was always a vision. I laid low until my Senior year in high school when I joined Show Choir and surprised all of my friends who never knew I sang!

Did you employ a producer/studio?

I was able to take the songs I wrote from my experience and be blessed to have someone invest in a professional studio recording of all 14 tracks at TallCat Studios, LLC. in Phoenix, AZ. The process was very difficult to complete as I had never been in a professional studio before. It took nearly one year and quite a team to get the job done.

Are you self-published? Why did you choose to publish this way?

Technically I am not self publishing at this time. I am currently tossing around an offer to go with a reputable company but I still have research to do to make the best decision possible.

Do you have any hints or tips that you have found in marketing?

You have to work hard if you want to market for free. This means creating a plan and following that plan every single day tailored to the results you are looking for. Use ALL the Social Media platforms available to you as in today’s world, the internet rules everything.

What was your most amazing moment in writing your songs?

The most amazing moment while I was writing, I guess I really can’t call any of the moments “amazing” as this album is so full of emotions that run very deep. It was definitely a trying time filled with many mixed emotions. I would say the most touching moment was the way I found my room mate Pat. A complete stranger took me in and helped me, someone who truly understood.

If your story and your music was to be made into a movie which actor would you like to play the leading role?

I would surely choose Mariska Hagharty! That woman could portray so much, she is a Survivor too!

Is there a sequel new album in the works?

There won’t be a sequel to this Album, but there is new material surfacing that may surprise everyone. I am going to start to lean to a new style that I never thought I would enjoy so much.

Do you have an inspirational, motivating or funny anecdote you would like to share?

“If you want something done you have to do it yourself!”.

Thank you for this interview Mary!

If you want to check out Simply Mary, please see her video below and the links to see where you can see her playing live and download her music!

Claire Cappetta
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