5 Ways to Use Lavender Oil for Depression and Anxiety.
Scents are incredibly provocative. They can transport us to a place of calm, of memories past. They can help us when we feel stressed, panicked or anxious. The scents of essential oils can help us heal and re-balance ourselves when times are feeling turbulent. We think of stress as a state in which we can be agitated, angry, anxious, tense or fearful but, given time, we can become listless and depressed.
It is so easy to reach for prescriptions and sedatives, but these can dull our senses and then we sometimes find we actually need to be aware, to be awake, and to be alert so we can handle what is going on around us.
Scents can have a very powerful effect on our emotions and mood. Essential oils are volatile oils that contain aromatic molecules that are able to cross the blood/brain barrier. Hence their direct effect on the parts of our brain that control stress, anxiety, fear, and depression. Although severe cases of depression or anxiety cannot be cured through the use of essential oils alone, they can definitely help you on your way to reduce stress and relax body and mind. Essential oils cannot replace medication, talk to your doctor but they can help you feel calmer and relaxed.
One of my favourites is Lavender Oil (lavandula angustifolia). It invokes the feeling of calm and August, hazy summer days. Lavender is a true cure-for-all. It helps with headaches, migraine, fear, anxiety, depression, nervousness, hypertension, and insomnia.
1. Breathe in deep.
This may be enough to help you change your focus, and hopefully, help you to feel calmer within yourself. This method is especially good if you are feeling anxious.
2. Add to your shower.
If you try adding a few drops of your favourite oil to the floor of your shower, your whole body will be immersed in an essential oil steam. Energetically, this will cleanse your aura and have a positive effect on your mind and emotions. Just cover the drain with a cloth or your foot for a couple of minutes, and breathe in the medicinal goodness.
3. Take a little with you.
Put a couple of drops onto a scarf, handkerchief or cotton pad and take it with you, or tuck it into your pocket.
4. Try a nourishing body oil blend.
Add 7-8 drops of essential oil to a small bottle of carrier oil, like Almond oil. When you feel stressed just open the bottle and sniff! Or dab a little on your wrist.
5. Pretty little oil burner.
You can place some drops of your favourite oil into the well, place a tea light under, it and let it slowly the warm the oil. Soon your space will be pure calmness and happiness.
You can buy Lavender oil here at iHerb.com. I love the iHerb site, they carry so many essential oils at great prices and they reward you for being a loyal customer too!
Or if you are in the Long Island area, pop into Healthy Alternatives in Babylon. Donna has a beautiful shop which carries essential oils, candles, books as well as holistic healing (Holistic and Nutritional Counseling, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Amma Therapy, Reflexology and more!)
To read more about how essentials oils can help you heal, there is a chapter in Rekindle Your Inner Sparkle ~ An Alternative Way to Heal from Trauma and Abuse, available on Smashwords in all eBook formats, 99c for a limited time, or free if you subscribe to Claire Cappetta