1111 Portal, What Does It Mean For You?

For those of us in touch with our spiritual side, we are always interested when lucky numbers surface in our calendars, like the Lion's Gate Portal, as it's the perfect time to manifest and embrace positive energy. We all could use a helping of positivity right now as the skies become darker at this time of year. Personally, I'm a Summer baby, I love the long, warm days, especially here in the Midsummer, it only becomes dusk and not really deep, inky blue, or just plain dark. Yes, I understand the feeling of being "Hygge" as the Danish love, cozy evenings, real fires, and hot chocolate but I struggle throughout it all, dreaming of warm days on the beach, but we are in Autumn now and that brings us to the question of what is November 11 about exactly?
This day represents a time of growth and the opening of new doors, especially seeing that this year 11/11 takes place during the eclipse portal where doors shut and open at a rapid pace,
The number 1 represents the planet Sun, which is mainly connected with the person’s energy, internal power, and wellness, when we look at numerology, each number has its own value, personality, talent, power, strength, and force in a respective form. Numbers have their own language, as mathematics does.
You should focus on yourself during this day and what you want from life, how you want to achieve your goals, and even create a vision board or Trello. It's not just about saying your affirmations at 11.11 am in the morning and hoping for the best, You have to put in the work, too!
11/11 creates a portal, connecting our world to the realms beyond the veil, It is said that when these numbers align, you become a master at manifestation, which is where the idea of making a wish at 11:11 stems from.
11/11 is one of the most magical days of the year for manifestation. The number 11 is a master number representing your instincts and intuition and holds extraordinary powers. When the number appears twice, the energy of this master number fuels our manifestations.
The sacred geometry of 11/11 also reveals its true power. The shape of the number 11 creates two pillars that form a gateway and a portal of light. This gateway, in which we are in the center, creates space for us to be in a column of light. It is a space to be inspired, to receive wisdom love, and to be in perfect alignment with the universe. It is also a reminder that you are always co-creating with the Divine, and that you have the ability to manifest whatever you are being inspired to create.
If there is something you've been wanting to call-in then this high vibrational alchemy sound journey will help you amplify your energy to align with it!
Let's say you've been wanting to start a side project or hustle, a new business or take your business to the next level, or maybe move your relationship to a new dimension: now is the time, but don't be passive! Yes, put in the manifestation ritual, the affirmations, light a candle, journal, sing dance whatever sets your soul on fire, but back it up in reality! Want a new job? Post that resume! Want to date the hunk a work? Make the first move, even if it's an invite just for a coffee date! Want to move your business to the next level? Invite someone to collaborate with you, and finish your business plan!
I'm holding a 2 Hour 1111 Portal, Manifest Your Desires Live Event on Friday, it will be a small, cozy event as we go deep into a candle lighting ceremony and meditation to manifest your desires with Goddess Abundantia, Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. She carries a cornucopia that was filled with grain and coins. When called upon she will often leave some of her grain or money at your home.
If you would like to attend, the event starts at 8 pm GMT/ 3 pm EST/ 12 Noon PST. It's just £11 or $14 through Paypal to join us. You will be emailed 24 hours before the event with details on joining us.